Success Story: Faith, Founder of Ulimi Greens

Faith is the resilient entrepreneur that has overcome many hurdles to make fresh healthy greens available for busy city people in Nairobi. She sources her produce directly from local farmers, prepares, packs, and freezes the produce to freeze for quick, healthy meals. But when a power outage wiped out her entire stock of frozen vegetables, Faith was sent into big setback.

Thanks to her training with SheEO savings, investment, and business risk mitigation, Faith had an emergency fund available. This allowed Faith, with her savings and a microloan to bridge the gap, to restock and resume with no interruption of service. The training on debt management allowed her to borrow responsibly and be sure she would recover to serve her customers again.

Faith's journey is only just beginning. Now preparing to go through mentorship through the SheEO MAP program, Faith looks to grow her business in the coming years by increasing sales and customers and adding more team members. She is creating jobs, not only for herself but also for the local farmers and riders making deliveries to her customers, including a convenient pickup point in Nairobi's CBD.

Before joining SheEO , Faith had heard of loans and interest rates. Now, she has a structured financial plan, a budget, and an emergency fund-a testament to her growth. Under the mentorship of SheEO, Faith gave away free samples of her greens to bring in more customers and help her business flourish. Her mentorship will entail operations, logistics, leadership, team management, and tax planning. These are areas she urgently needs to master to realize sustainable growth.

Faith's story is a testament to the potential of so many women entrepreneurs throughout Africa. Many have big dreams and determination but often lack access to the financial literacy, mentorship, and capital they need to thrive.

SheEO has a mission of empowering them through skills, mentorship, and investments that empower them to build viable businesses sustainably.

Through financial inclusion, we're building a future where women like Faith can thrive.

You can find more of our success stories on our Youtube Channel: SheEO Foundation


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