Empowering Women Entrepreneurs for a Sustainable Future

On this year's Earth Day, the world zeroed in on one of the most pressing environmental challenges with a theme of "Planet vs. Plastics." SheEO Foundation feels proud; our mission is already aligned toward answering this call to action to serve global good: upending plastics' negative impact on human and planetary health. We are pioneering into a no-plastics future with our work through the Microenterprise Accelerator Program, specially designed for women entrepreneurs in situations of disadvantage. The Plastic Predicament: Zeroing in on an ambitious but doable target to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040, and moving with urgency as great as possible to a plastic-free future, plastics—particularly single-use plastics—are inundating our ecosystems, creating pollution, and killing life everywhere. There is simply no time like the present for innovation that would replace such plastics. SheEO Foundation's Role: For SheEO Foundation , sustainability is not somet...